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NetworkSpinal® Care in East Colorado Springs

pointing to spineNetworkSpinal® (NS) is a unique approach to chiropractic care that aims to help the body self-regulate and adapt to internal and external stressors. This revolutionary method was developed by Dr. Donald Epstein in the 1980s and has since gained recognition for its effectiveness in improving overall health and well-being.

NS involves gentle, precise touches to the spine, which cue the brain to create new wellness-promoting strategies.

How NetworkSpinal® Analysis Works

Dr. Codi will identify areas of the spine where tension and stress are stored, known as spinal gateways, and use a light touch to encourage the nervous system to develop new responses to these areas. Unlike traditional chiropractic methods, which involve forceful manipulation, NS is non-invasive and emphasizes the body’s innate capacity to heal itself.

The ultimate goal of NetworkSpinal® is to enable the body to shift from a state of defense to a state of growth and development. It aims to enhance the individual’s perception of their body and environment, allowing them to better respond to life’s challenges.

Two main types of healing waves are generated in the body through NS: respiratory and somatopsychic.

  • The respiratory wave helps release tension in the spinal cord, promoting relaxation and increasing the flow of cerebrospinal fluid.
  • The somatopsychic wave is a more dynamic, rhythmic movement that helps dissipate stored tension and enhance spinal flexibility.

Learn more About NetworkSpinal® here.

A Different Approach That Gets Results

NS helps your body harness its innate healing abilities and show you how we can work together instead of the doctor applying a force to you in traditional chiropractic, which typically only focuses on symptom relief. Our practice members report significant improvements in physical and mental health, reduced pain, enhanced flexibility, increased energy, improved mood, and better coping strategies for stress.

It’s a holistic approach to health and well-being beyond traditional chiropractic methods. Contact us today to get started on your healing journey!

NetworkSpinal® Care East Colorado Springs, Knob Hill CO | (719) 731-6978